From January 2022, The Planter Abstract will continue on e-Planter Website. All members can get the Abstract through this website
List of Abstract (2006 – 2021)
- January: Household Production of Isaria fumosorosea Fungus Mother Culture to Control
- January: POME Treatment Technology Using Biological and Physical Methods
- February: Revolution of Cocoa Beans in Malaysia
- February: Growing of Cut Foliage Plants in Mature Oil Palm Plantations
- March: Application Methods of Coumatetralyl Baits to Control Rattus
- March: Potential Risks of Climate Change to Oil Palm Cultivation in Malaysia
- April: Nursery and Field Evaluation of Streptomyces Nigrogriseolus GanoSA1
- April: Screening Herbicides for the Control of Davallia denticulata
- May: RSPO Tier 1 Drainability Assessment in Deep Peat of Kinabatangan River Basin-A Case Study
- June: Rusty-leaf Mistletoe (Scurrula ferruginea ), a Parasitic Plant on Cocoa and Its Management
- July: Early Sign of Dwarf Stem Trait Inheritance in Third Cycle Dura Derived from Nigerian Prospection Material – A Study in Large Polybag Nursery
- July: A Short Report on Application of Acoustic Tomography for Basal Stem Rot Disease Severity Assessment in Oil Palm
- August: Use of Betor for In-field Crop Collection and Semi-mechanised Upkeep Works in an Oil Palm Estate A Case Study at PT LNK Medan Indonesia
- August: First on Land, Last in Plan The Orang Asli as Key Players in Forest Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation Practises
- September: Protective and Curative Measures Against Litchi Fruit Borer (Conopomorpha sinensis)
- September: Impact of Prolonged Dry Period on Oil Palm Yield and Mill Extraction Ratio A Case Study
- October: Bunch Component Variations of Inbred Progenies in Third Cycle of Limited Breeding Programme of Dura Materials Planted in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah
- October: Observations on Biodiesel Usage Trends in European Union
- November: Glasshouse Evaluation on the Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Against Bagworm, Metisa plana and Non-target Effect on Oil Palm Pollinator, Elaeidohius kamerunicus (Faust)
- November: Influence of Temperature and Grading of Fresh Fruit Bunches on Oil Content and Oil Extraction Ratio in Oil Palm
- December: Methods of Land Preparation to Delay Ganoderma or Basal Stem Rot (BSR) Disease in Oil Palm Replanting in Inland Mineral Soils – Experiences and Observations
- December: Wild Bitter Gourd, Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae): A Creeping Weed of Oil Palm and Its Management
- Evaluation of Soil Ameliorants on Immature and Mature
Oil Palms in Acidic Peat - Rat Damage Incidences in Lower Perak and Mitigation
Measures - Management of Oil Palm Bunch Failure in High Sex
Ratio Palms - Enhancing Basic CPO Quality
- Early Performances of Topaz Gen-1 Tenera Clones in
Clonal Trials and Commercial Plots in Indonesia - Production of Butterhead Lettuce and Cherry Tomato by
Hydroponic System - Evaluation of Acephate and Dimehypo Against the
Bagworm, Dapula (Clania) tertia by Trunk Injection - Recognising the Value of Oil Palm in the
Post-covid-19 World - Control of Rat Damage in Oil Palm Plantation Using
Local Hunting Dogs -IOI Kahang Estate’s Experience - Evaluation of Two Fruit Typing Methods and Their Use
in Assessing the Purity of Commercially Planted Topaz
DxP Oil Palm Replants - Managing the Rugose Spiralling Whitefly Using Novel
Technologies: Feasibilities and Possibilities - Preliminary Observation of Phenolic Acids on Basal
Stem Rot Infected Oil Palm - Understanding Climate Change: Causes, Impacts,
Policies and Actions - Evaluation of Endophytic Trichoderma and Other
Microbes for Potential Biocontrol of Ganoderma Basal
Stem Rot Disease on Oil Palm Seedlings - Aspects on Life History of Eurycantha insularis Lucas
(Phasmida: Phasmatidae) from Papua New Guinea - Palm Oil Holds Promise for Current and Future Food
Security - Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth,
Yield and Yield Attribute of Sugarcane - Efficacy of Sequential Applications of MSMA in
Combination with Diuron for Weed Control in Young
Oil Palm Circle - Common Coptotermesspp. and other Termites
Associated with Oil Palm in Riau, Sumatra
- Forecasting Oil Palm Production Based on a Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) Neural Network Model
- The Relationship of Ganoderma Infection and Termite Infestation on Oil Palm in Organic Soil Planting
- Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Organic Acids
Combination against Ganoderma boninense, the Causal Pathogen of Basal Stem Rot in Oil Palm - 100th year issue
- Evaluation on Cost and Efficacy of Herbicides to Eradicate Merremia peltata in Immature Oil Palm at
Kinabatangan Region - The Ability of the Invasive Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Infesting Oil Palm in Malaysia
- Effect of Soil Water Deficits on Annual Fresh Fruit Bunch Production in Central Kalimantan
- Royal Address*by His Royal Highness Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah
- Yield Performance of Commercial Topaz DxP Series 2 Oil Palm Plantings on Various Sites in Indonesia
- Industry-wide Efforts in Circumventing the Scourge of
Bagworm Infestation in Malaysia
– What Have Gone Wrong and What Should be Done? - Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification Standards
- Sustainable Development Goals – Benchmark for the
Palm Oil Industry - Impact of Ceased Manuring on Oil Palm Yield
- Preliminary Assessment on the Potential for Use of an
Autopilot Tractor on Malaysia’s
Flat Terrain - The Inference of the Impact of Rugose Spiraling Whitefly
on Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunch Yield in India - Water Use, Water Consumption and Water Balance of a
Large Oil Palm Plantation in South Sumatra Province,
- The Unfair and Hurting Attacks on Oil Palm – an
Environment Friendly Crop - Two Incidences of Rat Damage in Sabah and Importance
of Rat Control in Immature Oil Palm - Nutrient Recycling of Empty Fruit Bunches and Palm Oil
Mill Effluent – A Co-composting Technique - Headwinds in the Palm Oil Industry Will Persist*
- Water Footprint of FFB and CPO Production
in Indonesia - RSPO’s Approach in Calculating GHG Emission in Palm
Oil Production - Greater Bandicoot Rat, Bandicota indica Infestation in Oil
Palm Plantation and Its Management - MS 157: An Evolving Story
- Performance of Tenera Clones on Coastal Soils in Lower
Perak, Malaysia - The Current Scenario and Development of the Coconut
Industry - Improved Control on Unwanted Banana Plant (Musaspp.)
- Drainability of Peat Dome Areas
- A Study of Rat Species, Their Populations and Crop
Damage in Mature Oil Palm Plantations in Central
Kalimantan - Towards Low GHG Emission in New Oil Palm
Development – Results of RSPO’s Approach - Metsulfuron-methyl for the Control of Dianella ensifolia
- Certified Sustainable Palm Oil: Multiple Standards
- Malaysian Oil Palm Industry – Environmental Concerns
and Present Scenario: Part 2: An Alternative Future
Environmental Direction - Malaysian Oil Palm Industry – Environmental Concerns
and Present Scenario: Part 1: Environment Crossroad - Rugose Spiraling Whitefly –
A New Pest of Oil Palm in India - Palm Fruit Oil: A Big Fat Controversy
- Efficacy of MSMA Based Premix Herbicides on Control
of Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) that Evolved Resistance
across Glyphosate, Glufosinate and Fluazifop
- Herbicide Screening for the Control of
Rolandra fruticosa - Control of White Root Disease of Rubber with
Trichoderma - Effect of Different Insecticides on the Survival of the Oil
Palm Pollinator, Elaeidobius kamerunicus
(Coleoptera:Curculionidae) - Oil Palm Weevil Pollination Revisited
- Increasing the Capacity of the Power House of
a Palm Oil Mill - Oil Palm Development in Africa
- Natural Rubber Industry Needs to Think and Act Out of
the Box If It is to Survive and Flourish in the Decades to
Come* - Emerging Digital Technologies and Tools For
Application to Oil Palm Plantations - Investigating the Drop in Oil Extraction Rate during
Peak Cropping Months - Integrated Management Packages for Pod Borer
(Maruca vitrata) in Country Bean - The Status of Two Species of Subterranean Termites,
Coptotermes curvignathus and Coptotermes sepangensisin
Oil Palm - Plantation Intelligence Applied Oil Palm Operations:
Unlocking Value by Analysing Commercial Data - Increasing Oil Palm Industry Profit, Malaysian Gross
National Income and Government Tax Revenue with
Breakthrough DNA Tests - Marker-Assisted Selection and Its Application in
Breeding for High Yielding Short Palms:
The FGV Approach - Biotechnology for Diversification and Improved
Resilience of the Oil Palm - Palm Oil and Human Breast Milk:
Fat Distribution and Cholesterol Content - Calculating GHG Emission in Oil Palm
Using PalmGHG - Ergonomics Risks Assessment on In-field Collection
Machinery - Managing Engineering Innovations in the
Palm Oil Industry - Control of Wild Bamboos (Schizostachyum spp.) in
Tongod Region of Sabah
- Detection of the Guam Biotype (CRB-G)
Oryctes rhinoceros Linneaus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea - A Tough Creeping Weed, Epipremnum giganteum
(Roxb) Schott (Araceae) in an Oil Palm Estate
near Sepang – Plant Description and
Management - Impact of El Niño on Palm Oil Production
- Tissue Culture and Epigenetics
- Proteomics and Metabolomics: Spearheading
Oil Palm Improvement and Sustainability - Application of MAS into Oil Palm Crop Improvement
- New Frontiers for the Oil Palm Industry Through
Genome Technology - Development of Agricultural Biotechnology in Malaysia
in Comparison to Global Status - Climate Change – What Does It Mean for
Oil Palm?* - The Derbid Planthopper Proutista moesta (Westwood)
(Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) on Oil Palm in Papua New
Guinea - Future Oil Palm Seed Gardens?
- Minimising the Haze
- Harnessing Rainwater:
Ladang Perlating Jerneh’s Experience - aNew Dimensions in Palm Oil Mill Effluent
(POME) Treatment Using Biotech Based
Treatment System - RSPO PalmGHG, ISCC and ISPO GHG
Calculator – A Comparative Analysis* - A Comparison of Three Field Layout Systems for
Mechanisation during Early Phase of
Rubber Cultivation - The Evaluation of Solid Substrate Formulation of
Metarhizium anisopliae var. major (M-SS),
against Oryctes rhinoceros L. in Young
Oil Palm Plantations - Responsible Development of New Oil Palm
Plantings – RSPO’s Approach* - Preliminary Investigations on the Infestation of
Swamp Giant Rat, Sundamys muelleri (Jentink),
Muridae, Rodentia in an Oil Palm Estate, Miri,
Sarawak - Nutrient Requirement for Sustainable Sugarcane
- Herbicide Screening for the Control of Merremia
peltata (L.) Merr. in Immature Oil Palm Plantings - Investigations into the Correction of Iron
Deficiency in Second Generation Oil Palm
Replantsin Mature Organic Soils in Indonesia - Oil Palm Growing Soils of the World
- Occupational Safety and Health in Plantation
Agriculture: The Malaysian Perspective - Prediction of Fuel Costs of Various Farm
Machinery in Oil Palm Plantation
Operations - Environment and Sustainability – The Role of the
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil - Peat Classification and History of Organic Soils
Classification in Malaysia - Enhancement of Land Preparation
Techniques during Replanting Using GIS/UAV for
Mechanisation andOptimum Planting Density - Oil Palm Plantings at High Altitudes
- Sustainability Certification Standards –
Foundation to Finding the Balance in People,
Planet and Prosperity - Evaluation of Thiosultap disodium by Targeted
Trunk Injection for the Control of Oil Palm Pests in
Papua New Guinea - Control of Alocasia sp. and Etlingera brevilabrum
in Oil Palm Plantations inthe
Kinabatangan Region - The Control of Swamp Giant Rat[Sundamys muelleri (Jentik), Muridae, Rodentia] Infestation by Shooting
- Evaluation of Organic Matter as Potting Media
- Benchmarking Yield for Sustainable
Intensification ofOil Palm Production in
Indonesia using PALMSIM - Effect of Complex-diverse Microbial Ecosystem
Application (Bio-fertilizer) on Vegetative
Growth of Oil Palm Seedlings - DryMatterProductionof HeveaClonePB260
- Performance and Yield Potential of Oil Palm
Planting Materials - The Combination Effect of MSMA and Diuron in
Controlling Glyphosate Resistant Eleusine indica
in Oil Palm Plantation - Effect of Reactive Phosphate Rock and Its NKMg
Fertilisers under Two Placement Methods on
Oil Palm Yield - Can Cattle Grazing in Mature Oil Palm Increase
Biodiversity and Eco system Service Provision - The Impact of Goods and Services Tax on
Plantation Industry - Palm Oil at the Crossroads: the Role of
Plantation Intelligence to Support Change, Profit
and Sustainability - Yield Potential of Oil Palm and Its
Attainment in Malaysia - Withdrawal of Fertiliser and Its Impact on the
Nutrient Status, Growth and Production of
Previously Fertilised Oil Palm - Labour Constrains and Potential Solutions
- The Potential of Red Palm Weevil Infesting and
Destroying Oil Palm Industry in Malaysia - Applications of Molecular Markers for
Oil Palm Crop Improvement - Sequencing for Super Seeds
- Omics: Mesocarp Biochemistry Provides Insight into
Increased Oil Palm Yield - Re-evaluation of Nutrients Requirements for
Oil Palm Planting on Peat Soil - Diversity and Distribution of Natural Enemies
(Predators and Parasitoids) of Bagworms
(Lepidoptera: Psychidae) on Selected Host Plants in
an Oil Palm Plantation - Correction of Acute Magnesium Deficiency in Oil
Palm on a Sedentary Inland Soil in Indonesia
- Studies on Feeding Differences of Coconut
Black-headed Caterpillar on Arecaceae Palms - Can Beneficial Microbes Protect Oil Palm from
Ganoderma boninense - Breeding for High DensityPlanting
Preliminary Results from FELDA - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission from
Tropical Peatland - Semifloat System for Cost Effective Production of
Oil Palm Seedlings in the Pre-nursery - Delivery Techniques of Metarhizium for
Biocontrol of Rhinoceros Beetles in
Oil Palm Plantations
- Increased and Sustained Yields in Oil Palm through
Recycling of Biomass into the Fields - Effect of Nitrification Inhibitors on Yield and Yield
Attributes of T. Aman Rice Varieties - Refining of Palm Oil
- Evaluation of Several Chemical Control Approaches
against Bagworm, Metisa plana Walker (Lepidopterea:
Psychidae) in FELDA Oil Palm Plantations - Plantations Development in Indonesia: Strategies and
Prospects - Understanding Pest Biology and Behaviour for Effective
Control of Oil Palm Bagworms - R&D in Transformation Programme for the Natural
Rubber Industry - Evaluating the Growth Performance of 4-year-old
Neolamarckia cadamba Plantings in Malaysia - Role of Biotechnology in Improving Oil Palm Productivity
- Occurrence of Common Weeds in Immature Plantings of
Oil Palm Plantations in Malaysia - Drivers and Challenges in the Plantation Industry in the
Next Decade - The Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems Project:
Investigating the Design of Human-Modified Landscape for
Productivity and Conservation - Improvement in Quality and Availability of Remote
Sensing Data for Oil Palm Plantation Mapping - Integrated Disease Management to Reduce Future
Ganoderma Infection During
Oil Palm Replanting - An Evaluation of Ganoderma Fungal Colonisation Using
Ergosterol Analysis and Quantification - Maximising Oil Palm Yield by High Density Planting and
Thinning - Invertebrate Pests of Oil Palm in the Provinces of West
New Britain and New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, and
Aspects of their Management - Effect of Commercial Hormones on Rooting Cuttings of
Acacia Hybrid Clones - Plantation Labour: Need for Management Strategy
- Creating Shared Value in Oil Palm Smallholder Schemes in
Indonesia – Experiences from Musim Mas Group
Plantations - Integrated Pest Management of Tirathaba Bunch Moth on
Oil Palm Planted on Peat - Global Warming -Is It Real, and Should We Worry
- Challenges to Banana Production in Malaysia: A Threat to
Food Security
- Some Approaches for the Conservation and
Enhancement of Biodiversity in the Oil Palm
Plantations in Sabah - Effect of Planting Date on Growth, Yield and Juice
Quality of Sugarcane - Chemical Control of Herbicide-resistant
Eleusine indica in an Oil Palm Nursery - Rubber for Timber: An Addition to the
Value Chain - Weed Management Study of Metsulfuron-resistant
Soapbrush (Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don) in an Oil Palm
Plantation - Optimising Storage and Shipping to Enhance
Palm Oil Value Chain - Ganoderma Stem Rot and its Management on First
Generation Oil Palm on Peat - Ganoderma boninense in Oil Palm Plantations:
Current Thinking on Epidemiology, Resistance and
Pathology - Stagnant National Average FFB Yields of
Oil Palm in Malaysia - Role and Impact of Field Audit Operations in the
Establishment of Good Plantation Practices - Fusarium Wilt of Oil Palm: A Continuing Threat
to South East Asian Plantations - Management of Ganoderma Diseases in
Oil Palm Plantations - Best Agromanagement Practices in Land Development
and Rubber Cultivation: Issues and Challenges –
Tradewinds Plantation’s Experience - Is Your Integrated Pest Management Going to
Pot - The Barn Owl, Its “Natural” Nest Sites, Its Predators
and Other Hazards to be Avoided for Success in using
Nest Boxes - Control of Sugarcane Termites with
Botanical Products - Land Preparation Practices for Oil Palm Replanting –
Sawit Kinabalu Group’s Experience in Sabah - Mechanised Weed Control Applicator for Mature Oil
Palm - Attraction of Helopeltis theobromae* to Live
Conspecific Insects - Incidence of Silvanussp. (Silvanidae: Coleoptera) in
Oil Palm Plantations in Andhra Pradesh, India: A
- Weed and Cover Crop Management in Oil Palm
- Impact of El Niño Occurrence on Oil Palm Yield in
Malaysia - Managing Oil Palm Nursery: IOI’s Experience
- A Blunder or Miracle Crop: Jatropha curcas Dilemma
in the Tropics - Yield and Harvesting Potentials
- Effects of Poultry Manure as a Supplement to
Chemical Fertilisers in Sugarcane - Global Trends and New Opportunities for the Coconut
Industry - The Status of Weed Resistance in Plantation Crops of
Malaysia - Development of Oil Palm on Peat: A Socio-Economic
Perspective - Re-vitalizing the Coconut Industry in Malaysia –
Policies and Strategies for Implementation - The Development of the Rubber Manufacturing
Industrial Sector in Malaysia - Strategy to Manage Herbicide Resistant
Eleusine indica in an Oil Palm Nursery in
Jerantut Area - Production, Agro-management and Performance of
MATAG Hybrids - Water Management Techniques – A Practical
Experience at Foong Lee Plantation - abstract-2010 10Recent Developments in Research on Coconut at
MARDI - Indication of Soil Organic Carbon Augmentation in
Oil Palm Cultivated Inland Mineral Soils of Peninsular
Malaysia - Replanting and Rehabilitation of Coconut under
Smallholders - Chlorantraniliprole: A Novel Insecticide for Bagworm
(Metisa plana) Control in Oil Palm Plantation - Field Trapping of the Adult Red Stripe Weevil,
Rhynchophorus vulneratus(Panzer) with an
Aggregation Pheromone in a Coconut Ecosystem - Commodity Sector Overview
- Efficacy of Single and Mixed Treatments of
Trichoderma harzianum as Biocontrol Agents of
Ganoderma Basal Stem Rot in Oil Palm - Physiological Evaluations of Selected Clonal Oil Palm
on Shallow Peat in Teluk Intan, Perak - Life Cycle Inventory of the Production of Crude Palm
Oil – A Gate to Gate Case Study of
12 Palm Oil Mills - Workers’ Physiological Impact in the Oil Palm
Cultivations in Malaysia
- Inclusion of Parthenocarpic Fruits in Bunch Analysis
Procedure and Its Relevance in Oil Palm Breeding
Programmes - Resumption of Manuring and Its Impact on the
Nutrient Status, Growth and Yield of Unfertilised Oil
Palm - 90th year issue
- Composting of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and
Decanter Cake Slurry with the Addition of Palm Oil
Mill Effluent - Challenges in Promoting the Production of Sustainable
Palm Oil in Indonesia - Issues and Challenges in Human Capital Development
in Agriculture Sector in Malaysia - Cost of Palm Oil Production
- Chemical Eradication of Pyrrosia piloselloides (syn
Drymoglossum piloselloides), a Debilitating Fern
Epiphyte of Tea and Other Trees - Evaluating the Global Warming Impact of Palm Oil
Production (II). An Estate Model - Composition of Various Stages of Oryctesrhinoceros
(Linn) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Mulch of Oil
Palm Empty Fruit Bunches - Evaluating the Global Warming Impact of Palm
Oil Production. (I). A Field Model - Where Do All The Nutrients Go
- Coconut Cadang-cadang Viroid Infection of African
Oil Palm - Re-evaluation of Controlled Pruning in Young Rubber
in a Large Group of Estates - Controlling White Leaf Disease (WLD) Incidence of
Sugarcane by Heat Therapy - The Efficacy of Glyphosate Monoammonium and
Other Commercial Herbicides to Control Volunteer
Oil Palm Seedlings in Oil Palm Plantations - Comparison of Different Types of Herbicides on the
Succession of Weed Population and Seed Bank
Composition in Tropical Coconut Plantations
- Successful Development of a Model for
Cattle Integration in Sawit Kinabalu - The Expansion of Range and Population of the Barn
Owl (Tyto alba javanica) in Peninsular Malaysia and in
Sumatra and Adjacent Islands – A Review and Update
on the Current Situation - Replanting for Sustainable High Yield
- Procedural and Dereliction-linked Seed Losses from an
Oil Palm Seed Production Programme in Cameroon - Sustainable Soil Management in Oil Palm Plantations
- Termite Attack on Oil Palm Grown on Peat Soil:
Identification of Pest Species and Factors Contributing
to the Problem - Natural Rubber Biodegradation in Soil in Relation to
the Waste Disposal of
Used Latex Products - Khaya ivorensis A. Chev – Early Response to Nutrient
Deficiencies in Forest Plantation Nursery - A Review of 15 years of Oil Palm Irrigation Research
in Southern Thailand - The Univanich Oil Palm Breeding Programme and
Progeny Trial Results from Thailand - An Overview of the Current Status of Ganoderma
Basal Stem Rot and Its Management in a Large
Plantation Group in Malaysia - The Carbon Cost of Palm Oil Production in Malaysia
- Impact of RSPO on Plantations and Development of a
Gender-based Policy – Sime
Darby Plantation’s Experience - Integration and Integrated Systems:
Enhancing Potential Impacts with Ruminants
in Oil Palm Plantations - Potentials for Integration in Oil Palm Plantations
- Raising Pre-Nursery Oil Palm Seedlings in Plastic Pot
Tray – An IOI Group Experience - Integrated Use of Organic Manure and Inorganic
Fertilisers on Soil Fertility and Productivity of
Sugarcane - Pathogenecity of Cameroon Strains of Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. elaeidis – The Causal Agent of Oil
Palm Vascular Wilt - Altered Lignin in Oil Palm: A Novel Approach to
Ganoderma Control - Beneficial Biodiversity: A Review on Potentially
Beneficial Reptile, Bird and Mammal Species in Oil
Palm Plantations - Beneficial Biodiversity: A Review on Potentially
Beneficial Reptile, Bird and Mammal Species in Oil
Palm Plantations - Comparative Efficacy of Four Methods for Applying
Micro-Nutrients to Oil Palm on Deep Peat - Breeding for High Oil Yielding Tenera Palms
- Circle Weeding in Young Oil Palm Using
a Hand-Held Motorised Grass Cutter - Review on Fog Inlet Air Cooling System Application
for Gas Turbine in High Humidity Environment - Carbon Flow and Budget in a Young Mature Oil Palm
Agroecosystem on Deep Tropical Peat - Efficacy of Northern Organic Fertiliser on Sustainable
Sugarcane Production in Bangladesh
- Challenges Facing the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry –
Multi-Pronged Strategies for Raising Oil Yield,
Productivity and Profitability - Genetic Engineering in Oil Palm Improvement
- Financial Assessment of Citrus hystrix (Limau Purut)
Grown on Plantation Scale : A Preliminary Analysis - Zero Waste Discharge from Palm Oil Mills
- Competitive Testing of SPLAT-RB (Oryctes
rhinoceros) Male Aggregation Pheromone – Mass
Trapping in Oil Palm and Coconut Estates - Comparative in vitro Antagonistic Potential of some
Bio-agents Against Colletotrichum falcatum Went., the
cause of Red Rot of Sugarcane - Uptake of Phosphorous by Oil Palm Nursery Seedlings
- Enhancing Agro-management Practices with Precision
Point Mapping - Integrated Nutrient Management for Sustainable
Sugarcane Production in Different Agro-ecological
Zones of Bangladesh - Kulim’s Experiences on the Rat (Rattus tiomanicus)
Control in Oil Palm Plantation - A Management System for Sustainable Palm Oil
Production - Site Specific Fertiliser Requirement of Sugarcane and
Intercrop (Onion) under Sugarcane Based Cropping
System - Germinated Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Seeds:
Process Innovations to Improve Seed Quality and
Performance of Nursery Plants - A Safe Technique for Leaning Tall Oil Palms for
Breeding Programmes - Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) as a Quick Creeping
Cover for Oil Palm Chippings and Residues at
Replanting - Status of Common Oil Palm Insect Pests in Relation to
Technology Adoption - Monthly Picking of Coconuts vis-à-vis Bimonthly
Picking – An Economic Analysis - Hazards and Risk Assessments in
Oil Palm Plantations using the
Life Cycle Thinking Concept - Ganoderma Disease of Oil Palm in Sabah
- Short Cuts on Basal and High Level Virgin Bark
- Further Evaluation of Bio-Compounds, Organic
Supplements and Specialty Fertilisers for Use in Oil
Palm Nurseries - Arguments for Separate Oil Palm Loose Fruit
Collection -With Special Reference to a High Yielding
Estate in Sabah - Opportunities for Oil Palm R & D in Further Meeting
the Challenges of the New Dynamics - Commercial Media for Mass Production of
Trichoderma harzianum, a Bio-control Agent - A Study on the Biodiversity of Oil Palm Agriculture in
KLK Estates in Sabah, Malaysia: A Preliminary
Report - Bio-diesel, Climate Change and Sustainability
- An Improved Replanting Method to Expand Cocoa
Production in Papua New Guinea - Potential for Kenaf Production in Malaysia
- Progress with Non-shedding Oil Palms
- Suitability of Growing Acacia Hybrid for Industrial
Wood Production - Effects of Ethephon Stimulation on Clone PB 260
Tapped on Panel BO-1: Preliminary Results - The Optimal Yields for Food, Fibre and Fuel (3Fs)
Production for the Palm Oil Industry - Suitability of BSRI Released Sugarcane Varieties in
Different AEZs of Bangladesh - Maximising the Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) in IOI
Group Estates in Peninsular Malaysia through Oil
Palm Site Yield Potential Concept - Positioning Malaysian Palm Oil through Quality and
Food Safety - Isolation and Characterisation of Microbial
Endophytes from Oil Palm Roots: Implication as
Biocontrol Agents against Ganoderma - Adverse Factors Affecting the Population of
Pollinating Weevil, Elaeidobius kamerunicus F and
Fruit Set on Oil Palm in India - Incidence of Major Insect Pests to Some Promising
Sugarcane Clones in Bangladesh - Qualitative and Quantitative Evolution of Selected Oil
Palm Seed Production at La Dibamba Specialised
Centre on Oil Palm Research (Cameroon) - Evaluation of Botanical Products against Some Major
Insect Pests of Sugarcane - Applications of Modelling in Oil Palm Crop Research
- Performance of ECT x BSR Tolerant ECT Hybrid
Coconut in High Inoculum Basal Stem Rot Soil of
Tamil Nadu - The Need to Increase Profitability in Oil Palm
Plantations: Matching Crop and Nutrient
Management Principles with Evolving Strategies - Progeny Emergence in Elaeidobius kamerunicus
- Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) for Crop
Commodities in Malaysia - Effect of Boron and Molybdenum on Sugarcane Yield
on a Sandy Loam Soil in Bangladesh - DNA Fingerprinting of DxP Planting Materials – An
Exploratory Start - Oil Palm Selection and Hybrid Seed Production
in India - Mucuna bracteata – Biomass, Litter
- Roadmap to Effective Plantation Management for
Better Performance - Is the Oil Palm Industry Sustainable
- Enhancing Competitiveness of the Oil Palm Industry
- Corporate Governance in the Plantation Industry
- Environmentally Sustainable Practices and ISO
14001 - Criteria for the Choice of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis
Jacq.) Planting Material in Africa: The Cameroon
Experience - Estimation of Losses Caused by Stem Borer, Chilo
tumidicostalis Hampson in Sugarcane - Fertiliser Management in Oil Palm to
Improve Crop Yields - The Oil Palm Industry’s Approach to the Use of
Pesticides in Papua New Guinea