Membership of The Society Is Open To:
Those directly or indirectly employed or involve in the plantation industry
Category A
Those who owns land with area exceeding 40 hectares and is directly involved in developing the said land. This includes: –
- Visiting Agents
- Estate Managers
- Assistant Managers
- Superintendents
- Agronomist
- Cadets or analogous thereto
Category B
Those who are mainly involved/ concerned with the planting industry other than those in Category A. This includes: –
- Engineers
- Estate Medical Officers
- Qualified scientific or administrative staff of estates or organization and involved in the management
- Sales and marketing of chemicals, fertilisers and machinery mainly concerned with the planting industry
- Which include: – those employed in such other senior executive, administrative, professional or advisory capacities as may be deemed by the Board as being equivalent thereto
Overseas Membership
Eligibility as in Category A and B
Life Members
- Must be a member of the society for no less than 20 years
- No longer employed in the Plantation Industry (Retiree)
1. New membership / First time membership
For first time registrants only

A) Local
Fee depends on the month of registration
Total Yearly Fee = Entrance Fee + Subscription Fee (according to month)
B) Oversea
Fee depends on the month of registration
Overseas members are encouraged to opt to receive The Planter by Airmail by paying: –

Total Yearly Fee = Entrance Fee + Subscription Fee (according to month) + Airmail charges (optional)
2. Renewing Membership
For current members only
Annual Subscriptions
Local = RM200.00
Oversea = USD85.00
3. Defaulters and Struck of Members
If a member fails to make annual subscription payment for a particular year for a duration of 1 or 2 years, you will be considered a defaulter. He/She will be able to rejoin after you make payment as advice.
If a member fails to make annual subscription for three (3) consecutive years, he/she will be struck off from the membership list. He/She will be able to rejoin after making fee payment as advice.
Payment Method:
Proceed to payment at our HQ :
Suite 3A01, Level 3A, PJ Tower
Amcorp Trade Centre
18 Persiaran Barat
46050 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Please deposit to Ambank Islamic Berhad – A/C No. 8881023043391. Kindly fax/email the bank advice to ISP at isphq@isp.org.my
To make it easier for members, you can WhatsApp your proof of payment to this number:
Please fill in the Remittance Form below with details and email to isphq@isp.org.my
To make it easier for members, you can WhatsApp your proof of payment to this number:
Please fill in the Remittance Form below with details and email to isphq@isp.org.my
To make it easier for members, you can WhatsApp your proof of payment to this number:
Please fill in the Remittance Form below and attach it together with payment receipt and email to isphq@isp.org.my
To make it easier for members, you can WhatsApp your proof of payment to this number: