Welcome to ISP!
The Incorporated Society of Planters is technically a professional body incorporated on 8th October 1919 as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital under the Companies Act. ISP Management (M) Sdn. Bhd. (ISPM) is a wholly own subsidiary of ISP which was incorporated on 30 November 1996.
Telegram Channel for ISP Branch
The introduction of a new Telegram Channel are available for all the members, particularly those without email to get information from ISP HQ such as meeting invitation to members, branch activities and various other news at ISP HQ.
All the members are invited to join this channel.
Please email to isphq@isp.org.my to get the Telegram Link for your branch.
ISP examinations will be held every twice a year. It is in March and October. The qualification obtain for the examination taken are, Certificate In Plantation Management (CPM), Professional Diploma of Licentiate of The Incorporated Society Of Planters (LISP), Advanced Professional Diploma Of Associate Of The Incorporated Society Of Planters (AISP) and liase with University Putra Malaysia (UPM) for Master Of Science In Plantation Management (MSc.).
The Planter is a monthly-published periodical by the ISP. The magazine features industry-relevant articles aimed at progressing Planter know-how and skills; and has since its first volume in 1920, served as a key reference to the plantation sector. The journal publishes original technical articles, general articles and reproduced papers as well.