The Incorporated Society of Planters (ISP) was registered in October 1919. From the onset, ISP initiated key technical support for its members through publications and education; activities which till today continues to be the cornerstone of ISP. In fact the ISP was established for the development and advancement of the professional interest of those involved directly and indiectly in the plantation industry.
The Planter is the in-house magazine of the ISP. The ISP has a membership of about 4,500 within Malaysia and overseas currently and increasing rapidly. They are all occupied in the management of plantation crops totalling several million hectares. The monthly magazine has been produced without fail for 80 years. We circulate The Planter to our 4,500 members MONTHLY who including members from 41 foreign countries. In addition, we have 115 large corporate subscribers and 40 of them from foreign countries. We also circulate The Planter to all premier universities and libraries all over the world.

Our members exclusive to management personnels in the plantation industry (including R & D) both at ground and Board Room levels. They are involved in the decision making of every aspect of the industry i.e plantations such as Rubber, Oil Palm, Cocoa, Pepper, Banana, Tea, Sugar Cane, Coconut, Forestry and not confined to one type of plantation. (Members also travel during their holidays, visiting estates, attending meeting at Headquarters, seminars and conferences). As such hoteliers are encouraged to advertise to make known their facilities and special corporate rates made available to our members, their families and readers.
The Planter carries news of in-house affairs, including provocative editorials and technical articles relating to tropical plantations and markets. It carries advertisements (on topics relating to plantations) for example, from suppliers of goods, machinery and services, from employers searching for experienced staff. Hence it serves to update all the latest information to those serving in the Plantation Industry in one way or another.
We welcome your organisation to make known to our members and their employers of what you could offer for their improvement and advancement in the technologies of Plantation management and to their social. You will appreciate that our charges are very reasonable. Our advertisers have benefited considerably by advertising in our magazine. We are confident that the new comers will also benefit. Give it a try and you will realise the advantages and benefits of precision advertising.