On 2 & 3 December 2024, ISP Central Sarawak Branch organised a seminar entitled “Oil Palm Replanting: Innovative Strategies and Sustainable Approaches to Overcome Challenges and Achieve Maximum Yield” which was held at Kingwood Hotel, Sibu, Sarawak. This successful event was attended by 550 participants and exhibitors, with an opening address by ISP Chairman, Datuk Haji Daud Haji Amatzin and ISP Chief Executive, Mr. Rajindran Irusan. This seminar was published in the Utusan Borneo newspaper (https://www.utusanborneo.com.my/2024/12/02/segerakan-penanaman-semula-pokokkelapa-sawit) and The Borneo Post newspaper (https://www.theborneopost.com/2024/12/02/centralswak-planters-group-calls-for-urgent-replanting-of-oil-palm-to-maintain-yield/). In conjunction with the seminar, 27 participants were presented Certificate in Plantation Management (CPM) jointly organised by ISPM and Methodist Pilley Institute, Sarawak