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Total Number of Registrants as of 2024 as below:


The Planter

The Planter published well-researched and authoritative articles written on various aspects of plantation and agriculture management. Articles are peer-reviewed before publication by reviewers who are experts in their respective fields.

Today, it is one of the leading journals covering different aspects of plantation management.

First published in 1920 – The first issue of The Planter appeared in August 1920. It remained in print continuously except during the Japanese Occupation in 1942 – 1946. Publication continued from 1947 until now.

For more information, click on the photo.

Berita ISP

ISP publishes a quarterly bulletin that highlights our latest activities and initiatives. Each edition features updates on trainings, important information and upcoming events, providing an in-depth look at how we are making a difference.

We encourage everyone to stay engaged and informed about our efforts and the impact we are creating together

To read the Berita ISP, click on the photo.


ISP offers examinations that cater for members of ISP who work in the plantation sector as Executives and above. They are Professional Diploma of LICENTIATE of The Incorporated Society of Planters (LISP) and Advanced Professional Diploma of ASSOCIATE of The Incorporated Society of Planters (AISP).

The objectives are to promote the advancement and facilitate the acquisition of that knowledge which constitute the professional qualification of the Planter.

For more information, click on the photo.

Training/Short Courses

All training and short courses is managed by ISP Management (M) Sdn. Bhd. (ISPM), which is a wholly subsidiary of The Incorporated Society of Planters (ISP)

ISPM regularly manages training and short courses to promote general interests of the planting profession and to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge for the planter’s professional qualification.

Click on the photo to register your interest!


ISP organizes seminars and conferences that will benefit members and the plantation industry at large and is an anticipated event on the Society’s calendar. Featuring an illustrious speaker line-up, the conferences are well-attended events that have played a key role in advancing planter knowledge and fostering networking opportunities with global counterparts. Members have access to these events at special rates.

The first conference was held in 1924 and continued ever since with the National Seminar (NATSEM) which is held for two consecutive years, followed by an International Planters Conference (IPC).

For more information, click on the photo.

Wishing a joyous and blessed Thaipusam 2025 to all Hindu members! May this special occasion bring you strength, happiness, and prosperity. Have a wonderful celebration! See MoreSee Less
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