The Incorporated Society of Planters (ISP)
The Incorporated Society of Planters (ISP) is technically a professional body incorporated on 8th October 1919 as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital under the Companies Act.
ISP Management (M) Sdn. Bhd.
ISP Management (M) Sdn. Bhd. (ISPM) is a wholly owned subsidiary of ISP which was incorporated on 30 November 1996. ISPM is the commercial arm of ISP and was incorporated to take up all the profit-driven operating activities from ISP and all activities related to non-members.

100 Years Celebration
ISPs’ 100 years of journey, began from humble beginnings of three planters’ coalition, flourished into a professional association. ISP has evolved alongside with the country in terms of agricultural transition from rubber to oil palm plantations, political transition from a British colony to an independent state, and economic transition from the British Empire workhorse to emerging Asian industrial power.
For a hundred years up to the early eighties, the plantation sector played a vital role in Malaysia’s economy. It created vast employment opportunities in the country and was a major contributor to foreign exchange earnings. Malaysia became the world leader in plantation agriculture.
With the strong economic growth in recent years, there has been a shift in the plantation industry from the previous concern of creating employment opportunities towards upgrading skills for productivity to maintain Malaysia’s competitiveness. For Malaysia to retain its position in the forefront of plantation agriculture, it must take a lead in technical innovations, such as mechanisation of estate operations, and through increased value added in the downstream utilisation of the country’s primary products.
The Incorporated Society of Planters (ISP) with a proven team at its helm will continue to tap the innovative and technical skills of its members to maintain the growth of the Society and Malaysia’s unrivalled record of excellence in plantation agriculture, in the new millennium.
The Incorporated Society of Planters was established for the development and advancement of the professional interests of those involved directly and indirectly with the plantation industry. The society’s primary objectives as laid down in its Memorandum of Association are as follows:
To promote the advancement and facilitate the requisition of that knowledge which constitutes the professional qualification of planter.
To assist members and prospective members to obtain employment.
To promote the general interests of the planting profession.
To afford to members and other facilities for co-operation in all matters affecting the interests of Planters and, in particular, to promote or propose legislative measures affecting or likely to affect members, to communicate and consult with public authorities and with kindred bodies on all matters affecting the interests of members and to co-operate with other persons and bodies in all.
To watch over, promote and protect the mutual and individual interests of its members in respect of matters pertaining to or arising from their employment in the planting profession.
To further, undertake, superintend and/or administer such matters charitable or benevolent institutions or undertakings.
To promote and maintain good feeling, co-operation and understanding between members and their employers.
To establish, print, publish and distribute and/or participate in the business of printing and publishing a newspaper or newspapers, journals, books, pamphlets or publications in the interests of Planters and the professional, cultural and social interests of members.
To ascertain and recommend fair and reasonable terms and conditions of service for Planters.
To advise, recommend, liaise, mediate and otherwise to be concerned in or with relations between and matters of mutual interest to members and employers.
To improve the technical knowledge of members and with a view thereto to provide for the delivery of lectures and the holding of classes and examinations and the granting of certificates, diplomas and scholarships, and to promote, encourage and participate in the technical training of Planters.